The benefits of honey range from it’s antibiotic use, medicinal qualities, energizing attributes, as well as being incredibly delicious. Furthermore, all these benefits are accentuated when it is produced naturally in select, nutrient-rich places in the South of Chile. These places have a series of conditions such as pure air, humidity, and precise temperatures to produce an exceptional native honey.

This honey from the Chilean Patagonia displays a unique flavor, which is known worldwide for its strong healing ability and providing an exceptional energy source.

Not only do vegetarian cuisine devotees praise this product, but more people are discovering this honey, finding more virtues to this natural aliment.

Nutritionally speaking, the result of this process is truly astonishing. One tablespoon of honey (21 grams) contains the following:

– 64 calories
– 17 grams of sugar; which has included fructose, glucose, maltose, and sucrose.
– Almost free of fiber, fats, and protein
– Vitamins and minerals in low amounts
– Antioxidants

Variety: monofloral, multifloral

Packaging: jar of 500 grams, granel